Crate tor_persist[][src]

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tor-persist: Persistent data storage for use with Tor.

This crate is part of Arti, a project to implement Tor in Rust.

For now, users should construct storage objects directly with (for example) FsStateMgr::from_path(), but use them primarily via the interfaces of the StateMgr trait.


Implementation of StateMgr that stores state as JSON files on disk.


An error type returned from a persistent state manager.

A wrapper type for types whose representation may change in future versions of Arti.

Represents any valid JSON value.

A possible outcome from calling StateMgr::try_lock()


An object that can manage persistent state.

A handle to a storage system that stores objects of a single type to a single location.

Type Definitions

Type wrapper for a reference-counted dyn StorageHandle.